Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Danny Microwave


  1. I LOVE the second photo. The past-its-prime decor and the messy the job the mailman left... fantastic! Also, really nice job with the indoor lighting.

  2. I enjoyed the second picture too. The colors are all very soft and natural. I think it's cool how a photograph can take something that might look commonplace or unappealing in person and force you to look at it in a different way so that you see something that can be appreciated. That's what the picture did for me and I really like it!

  3. I also love the second photo. The lighting in the picture is really nice. I like how disorganized the mail and papers are. It makes you wonder who lived in the house and what kind of person they were.

  4. The way you used lighting and angle in these pictures is great. The yellow tints in the last ones make the house look old but slightly mysterious. Also I loved the way you shot the mailboxes becasue they take over the whole picture and you get a sense of how long it has been piling up there.

  5. I really like the first picture. The angle and lighting give it a really antique feeling. I almost feel as though it is a haunted house. It almost seems like the whole series is a tour of a haunted house. The sort of almost sepia tones produced by the choice of lighting makes me feel like there's going to be something unexpected hiding in the cobwebs. That could also be because it's almost halloween haha.

  6. I enjoy the second shot as well. There are so many geometrical shapes that continuously draw the eye that you're never searching the photo for something interesting. The repetition of the orange envelopes is awesome because it makes the top seem more organized and allows the eyes to pass over it easily. The wayne's coating on the wall makes a nice barrier between the disorganized junk mail and the organized personal mail.
